How are we different

Nishkam Schools are Sikh ethos multi-faith schools take a distinctive approach to many traditional faith schools.
The Sikh dharam (faith or religious responsibility) is emphatic in respecting all faiths and not seeking converts, maximising our contribution towards a cohesive society. It has a unique multi-faith ethos and the School will reflect this by positively nurturing children of all faiths and those of no particular belief. Worshipping collectively and within specific faith groups is an innovative characteristic of the Schools, as children learn from faith, not just about faith.
The Nishkam School Trust Education Model is led by virtues. Virtues, such as, compassion, humility, service, contentment, optimism, truth and forgiveness. Virtues are prevalent in every aspect of teaching and learning and are modelled by teachers and staff alike throughout our schools. In 2016, the values led model was further enhanced with The Virtues Programme – ‘Honour the Spirit’, which provided a guide to the overarching approach to being educators and mentors at Nishkam School Trust. This Virtues Programme is about reinforcing our whole school approach, and all staff speaking ‘the language of Virtues’. The ‘Language of Virtues’ guides us in fundamental ways ‘to use the power of language to awaken the innate Virtues in pupils and thereby to bring out the best in them’.