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 Nishkam School Trust: Our Vision and Ethos 

Nishkam schools are Sikh ethos multi faith schools that take a distinctive approach to many traditional faith schools. The Nishkam School Trust education model is led by virtues such as, compassion, humility, service, contentment, optimism, trust and forgiveness. Virtues are prevalent throughout our teaching and learning model and are modelled by our pupils, staff and teachers. Our pupils explore the divine context of humanity and wonder of all creation and also learn from the wisdom of all religions and in doing so explore the infinite human potential to do good unconditionally. We support all pupils and staff to develop aspects of their own religious, spiritual or human identities. In service of God, we pray for guidance in this endeavour and forgiveness for the errors we may make. 


“If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy practise compassion”

The Dalai Lama

Nishkam Family 

This guidance is here for yourself and your families to help during these difficult times. Your wellbeing is essential to us and we would like to extend our thoughts and prayers to all of those that have been affected by the Coronavirus. As a community we would like to continue working together and embrace our virtues to support one another through these difficult times.

Below are some ideas of activities and techniques that can be adopted by yourselves and your families to focus on your wellbeing as we go through this journey together.

The links below offer guidance and techniques to help manage your anxieties and stress including techniques to help you sleep.

The following charity provides online educational resources for children and adults.


For those affected by bereavement please see some guidance and resources below.


“Sing, listen, and let your mind be filled with love. Your pain shall be sent far away, and peace shall come to your home.”

Sri Guru Granth Sahib, Ang 2.



Bereavement, loss and grief can affect people in very different ways, there is no right or wrong way to feel. We would like to continue to offer our support throughout these challenging times.

The links below will refer you to charities that offer a number of guides and resources that will offer support to yourself and your child.


Books for children

  • Always and Forever by Alan Durant
  • Sad Book by Michael Rosen
  • Am I Like My Daddy? by Marcy Blesy
  • The Copper Tree by Hilary Robinson and Mandy Stanley. (About a teacher dying.)
  • The Huge Bag of Worries by Virginia Ironside
  • A Birthday Present for Daniel: A child’s story of loss by Juliet Cassuto Rothman, illustrated by Louise Gish
  • Badger's Parting Gifts by Susan Varley
  • The Memory Tree by Britta Teckentrup
  • Lifetimes by Bryan Mellonie.